Which is better the Iphone 5s or 5c? - 1

I'm coming from an android.

Iphone 5s. Has the slow-mo camera, better processor, and a fingerprint scanner.

I had 5s, but I was on a contract. So, it is probably different for you. If you are on a contract the two might offer different things. I could have chose the 5s with unlimited texts, while 5c I didn't. But this isn't for all. If you are on as pay-as-you-go then I would suggest asking people and reading reviews. I swapped to a 5s from an android and I get on better with an Iphone.
In my opinion

I have a 5c, but i like the 5s too! The 5c comes in different colors like pink, white, blue, yellow & green, but it doesn't have the fingerprint scander or slow mo cam like the 5s does…

Not an expert, but I think the c is just the cheap version that they get people to buy because it has a colored case. If you want the actual goodies in the phone, buy the s.

Iphone 5s without a doubt