Why am I crushing on a guy I don't even know?

I'm 17… I've never had a real relationship or anything because honestly I don't want one. I've had guys ask me out but I wasn't interested because I'm just to picky and want someone that is truly right for me, besides, I'm so focused with school that I don't have time for boys anyways. But anyways, there's this guy who works at my local coffee shop, and the first time I saw him was in the drive-thru window and ohmygod, my heart has never skipped a beat like that before. I was totally amazed by him haha no joke… And I probably smiled too much at him too: P but he smiled and looked me in the eyes and I was just so struck by him. He isn't even like gorgeous or anything… Super cute, but he just seems i don't know, perfect lol. The next time I saw him, same situation, and I after I got my coffee, I just kept smiling for, I swear, 10-20 minutes after seeing him. Now, like 3 days later, I still can't rid him from my mind! I'm not normally like this. At all. Will this pass? Should I try talking to him? What would I say! Advice?

Ps. Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I'm on my iPhone and it autocorrects things.So.

If you feel like that just from looking at him you should definitely talk to him.

Next time, don't go through the drive thru.go inside and start small talk. It may lead to something more. You can get to know him and he can get to know you. Maybe he'll take his break for you. Swap numbers and hang out sometime and maybe, just maybe, it can lead to something more

Go get your man girl!

Happened to me too! I went to Del Taco with my mom and the cashier was decent looking but he was like staring at me and I stared back and there was like this connection and that was about 4 days ago and I'm still thinking about him… I'd talk to him. I mean if he rejects you just don't go there anymore. I wish I could see that guy again. He looked about 17 and I'm turning 16 soon…

Look… You're probably young and beautiful and i know you are aware of the saying, "YOLO" so shoot, if you see what you like even though its not common for a woman to go up to a man, by all means go up to him and make small talk or what not if you see him again, leave your number on a cup of coffee, i know it sounds cliche but there's other alternatives that are available in any given situation, thats up to you to decide on what to do.

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