Why am I seeing a COMPLETELY different person on camera than I see in the mirror?
I've realized that in the mirror I look so sexy, like 8/10, but when I take my iPhone X camera (not bragging just saying what camera) and take a selfie even at 10 feet away I look HORRIBLE, like my jaw is crooked a little, lips are not symmetrical at ALL! My eyes are two different sizes and last but the worst one my skin looks red and shows all my little red spots. I don't what to trust, my eyes in the mirror or the camera. I cried today cuz I couldn't figure out. Please help, should I trust the camera or the mirror?
Well, it's hard not to trust the mirror if it's right in front of you happening in real time, imo. I think this is a common problem though. I look decent in the mirror, esp the bathroom mirror in natural lighting, and yet if I try to get a picture… Nope.
I dunno, it may just be the difference of the fact that it's how digital photos capture images, where the lighting, colors, contrast etc, are not ever going to be 100% true to what we see in the real world because it's a electronic device and just kind of throws it off a little.
Get over yourself.
The you that you see in the mirror is closer to what people see in real life, the you that you see in the camera is what everyone sees when they see you online or in a camera/photo. They are both real, it's just different perspectives.
A camera is an imperfect electromechanical device that only ATTEMPTS to capture an accurate image of what it sees through its single lens. By definition, all camera lens will distort its image. The closer the subject to the lens, the greater the distortion. Furthermore, a camera is not perfect in how it depicts color, sharpness, and perspective.
Just to be clear, neither a camera nor a mirror shows an "accurate" image. A mirror shows a reversed image, which is NOT the way others see you. Further, it only shows you in the limited lighting situation around the mirror, which is NOT a normal lighting situation that others see you in.
In short, you are comparing two different imperfect methods of viewing your own image and are probably spending WAY too much time thinking about yourself and your appearance. Spend your time on something more important.
Try using the camera at a greater distance.
Or, have a professional portrait taken by a good local studio.
Want to see how good that phone's camera can be?
Have a pro take a picture of you with it.
Mirrors aren't perfect, either.
They show everything backwards.
Cameras don't lie but they never capture exactly how human eyes see and to make it worse, it takes a good amount of skill to operate one properly so the next time you take a bad photo of yourself, relax. You already know you look good, you're just bad in taking pictures.
The mirror? It's a no-brainer, no skill required. Just stand in front of it and look.
Because the mirror does not show you as other people see you and as a camera sees you. No human has a completely symmetrical face
In a mirror you see yourself reversed left to right, as you can tell if you hold up a newspaper in front of you when looking in a mirror.
But "selfies" do distort your face because the camera is used too close to your face, thus the nose is too big and the face looks over-round. Have the camera at least 6 feet from your face and zoom in.
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