Why are my text messages on my Iphone sometimes not going in order and/or not getting sent until much later?

For some reason, new incoming texts in a thread are sometimes appearing farther up the thread. I'll get the sound notification there's a message, I'll look and don't see a 'new' message but then I'll see that it actually embedded itself a few messages up. It's getting very annoying.

Then the other day I sent two texts to one person, asking a question and when I hadn't received a reply, I sent another text asking for an answer. Turns out the person didn't receive the first 2 texts. Then she ended up getting them 2 days later!

Is this an Apple [Iphone] issue or is it my service provider [Verizon]?

I'll have to take a look into that, as I don't have the issue on my phone…

Assuming you aren't confusing text messages (green) with iMessages (blue) it sounds like a carrier issue (Verizon). I'd check with them concerning that.

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