Why are some people so obsessed with having the newest technology?
I don't understand, I know people who buy a new laptop, iPad, and iPhone every year when a new one comes out. I have had the same phone for 5 years now and it works just fine, I'm not too big on technology. I have had the same laptop for 7 years which is what I'm using right now to type this, and I don't even have an iPad. I don't see the point in obsessing over technology and wasting money on it, I won't buy a new phone until my current one stops working. People also obsess over little details of cellphones like the processor, screen resolution, why is that so important to some people? I know a guy who still lives with his parents at 31 and he spends all of his money on tech, he saves up his money and just buys new iphones and stuff. Why are some people like this? What's so good about having the newest stuff? I can care less about new tech, it's not like I stare at a screen all day like some people.
Bragging and procrastinating. It's very common nowadays with spoiled brats with newer technology.
I don't know. Xd,
I want my pc's and everything to last as long as they could, replacing only the bad parts, no matter how old they are, my pc is about 13 years old, its a IBM, still works perfectly, also the TV is from 2004, still works!
Also have a desktop pc, that is from 2003.
I felt the same way and didn't upgrade my iPhone 4s until the 7 (I think) came out. HUGE DIFFERENCE. I won't wait so long next time.
It's a form of materialism. It's like when someone buys a car and has to get the heated seats, the deluxe edition, etc. What it's ulitimately saying is they believe stuff makes them happy. The "whoever dies with the most toys wins" game. Of course as Christians we realize things can give us enjoyment but the things are not the end goal, they are just tools we use to until we get to the next life.
Sometimes they are obsessed with spending money.
Sometimes they think it makes them extra big to brag and show off all they can.
Cell Phones were confirm and proven to be a major cause of Cancers by 1997! Also in 1992 was the report that all that sleep close to their elec. Clocks were very Brain Cancer prone. Jest keeping electricity close to us causes Cancers!
Yet why are so many obsessed of keeping cell phones, old or new? Not much different than ones that smoke.
Same reason people buy new clothes to stay "in style"
Because it's appealing and it shows u r rich and luxury
- Why do so many people go crazy for new gadgets and technology? Queue up for days just to be the first to get a new iPhone… Upgrading things when the old one works just fine… Why do people want the newest "in" thing so much? What's wrong with buying a phone and keeping it for 5 years until it breaks down and THEN replacing it?
- Why do people want to get the latest technology? I still have an iPhone 4S, it's working fine except the home button is messed up but I can live with it. Because the phone can still be used to call and do what phones do. Why do people feel the need to buy the latest Phone when they don't need it?
- Why are people obsessed with Joe Rogan's podcast? It is literally all my buddy talks about every other day. Rogan this, Rogan that. He always has to bring it up in amy conversation. Quite annoying really. He's also heavy into government conspiracies. Maybe that's why he likes the podcast so much? What's so good about gathering around your iPhone and listening to a UFC host talk about dumb stuff?
- Why are people obsessed with FB? I'm amazed how Facebook is dominating people's lives. I do have FB, but some off my friends in there post pictures of EVERYTHING! For example Carrier bags with loads of shopping in it etc etc.these are people who work and study, so where do they get the time. To be honest I think there's a lot of proudness on there, like selfridges bags, telling people where they are, pictures of iPhones etc.man get a life'