Why do people think I'm rich?

Whydo people think I'm rich?
I live in a bigger house(I have 5 siblings.)
I have an iPhone. A lot of people do these days.
I go to a private school.

Honestly people are always telling me I'm a spoiled brat. Yes my dad does make a good amount of money, but he donates a lot of it to charity…

I also don't get whatever I want, I have to buy it on my own, or wait for a birthday.

Do you think I sound like a spoiled brat/rich? I'm sick of hearing this.

Sounds like you're not with the right crowd.

Unless you're giving off some sort of obnoxious vibe, I don't see why people would call you spoiled.

LOL cuz your white n you have money

No, I don't. You seem normal, to me.

I KNEW this question would include an "iphone" in it before I clicked on it!

And spoiled does not mean rich. Pretty much almost every kid in America is spoiled these days.

People are judgmental and fake. Just find new friends

Donating money to charity doesn't make you not rich… But anyway…
You don't sound like a spoiled brat. You seem grateful enough. But there's no reason to be nervous or shy about your folks having money. There's nothing to be embarassed by. Your parents can be rich and not give you everything you want.
So, I don't know if you have rich parents or not, but I don't think you're spoiled based on what you're saying here. Then again, you could be lying.

Are you serious lmfaoooooo
please kill yourself
people like you = FÚCKING CANCER.

People think youre rich because you are rich.
its not a bad thing as long as you don't have a rude, snobby and obnoxious personality.