Why do I feel like I have everything and I'm rich?

I have an iPhone 4S, xbox, 600 dollar glasses, Supra clothing and plenty of clothing, hats, Lacoste cologne, 40 inch tv, xbox games, weights, Bose and another pair of headphones, music on my iPhone, do you think I have everything and if I'm spoiled.

Haha you think you have everything but in reality I do because I'm the Queen of everything

You can't have everything because you don't have nothing.

Do you still live with ma and pa

You are as "rich" as you feel, based on your definition of "rich." If you are happy with yourself, that's way better than so very many who are dissatisfied with themselves and are always envious of others…

LOL! You probably don't have a job or pay for it yourself. People can afford that over a few years. You only have an iPhone 4S. An original xbox? 600 glasses is just stupid. 40 inch TV? That's it? You're definitely not rich or spoiled, but you're stupid enough to think you are.

Wheres the car and did you pay for everything yourself? If you did, then did you break the bank doing so? (If you did then your living beyond your means) if not then yes your indeed rich, congratulations!

I think you're spoiled. I don't know why anyone would need all that junk. Are you not happy?