Why do people hate Blackberries?

I love my Iphone, but I decided to try out the blackberry 9900 recently. I've been using it for a week, and I think it's great! The touch screen is good, the trackpad is efficient, the keyboard is awesome. It's not as "fun" a phone as an Iphone (not a lot of fun apps) but still pretty good.
What do so many people have against blackberries?

People don't hate BB, just that they were displaced by iPhone, but then never managed to grab the market back. When people are so satisfied and used to iPhone and Android, they have no reason to try BB (or Windows Phone). For that to happen, BB has to offer something very different and far ahead for their attention, but it is not happening. The biggest mistake they made was trying to compete in the consumer market when they should concentrate on the cooperate market. Too late now.

Like you said… It's not as "fun" as an iPhone. Plus, there's a stigma attached to anything less than a "cool" smartphone. If you don't have the latest/greatest phone, you're a dud. That's not my opinion, it's what I observe… Hence the long lines at the apple store when there's a new release. Nice/cool/up-to-date phone = social status (in certain terms).

Because their company is out of touch with today's people function needs and wants and their app world does lack of apps because they do not build them unlike Android and Iphones do have a ton of apps

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