Why do people hate spoiled kids?

Yes I'm one of them (iPhone 4s, Xbox,
plasma tv, 2 iPods, laptops etc.)

But I'm not like showing it off everyday?
I love and cherish my friends I'm always trying to make them laugh even though I'm not the best comedian to exist.

I didn't choose to be spoiled, I have workaholic parents.

I know lots of people hate me but don't know me…

I would never think of myself greater than someone just because I own the latest gadget in the market.

How can I stop from people viewing me as stuck up when I'm nothing like that?

I'm deffinetly gonna work my *** off when I'm out of High School/College.

People are jealous because you don't have to work as hard and you haven't struggled nearly as much as they have.It'll never change.

There's nothing you really can do. If you don't rub it in or display it around, and people still hate you, then its basically impossible. Fortunate for you, you have parents who probably have high income jobs therefore they can spoil you. This doesn't happen in all households, and alot of teens and kids want what you want, but they can't have it, which makes them spiteful. I think that you shouldn't care what people think, if your friends love you for who you are, then it shouldnt matter what others think.

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