Why do people LOVE the Iphone 5?

It's really stupid of them because you are paying $60 a month for a phone when you could just get the samsung brightside for $10 month. Thats just stupid I want the facts Why do people love this stupid phone and buy it every year if you could get one amazing samsung brightside for life. And I want all the fact All OF THEM. This is a serious question I'm not tolerating any crap!

Because Apple dumps millions into marketing. Having the newest, latest, and greatest iPhone (even if it's not that great) is what they want you to think is important.

It's the same reason everyone calls MP3 players iPods, even though the iPod was a late entry in the MP3 player market and only one of tens of different brands.

I will preface this answer by saying that I hate everything Apple.

Comparing an iPhone 5 to a Samsung Brightside is essentially the same as comparing a Lamborghini to a Ford Focus.

The Brightside is an awful device.

Let us compare the two.

The iPhone 5 has a 4" IPS LCD display (326 ppi). The Brightside has a 3.1" TFT display (129 ppi).

The iPhone 5 has 1GB of RAM. The Brightside has 128MB.

The iPhone 5 has a MUCH faster processor.

The iPhone 5 has 16GB, 32GB or 64GB of onboard storage. The Brightside has 256MB.

The iPhone 5 has an 8MP rear facing camera. The Bright side has a 3.2MP camera.

The iPhone 5 has a front facing camera. The Brightside does not.

The iPhone 5 is a 4G device. The Brightside is not.

The iPhone 5 can record HD video. The Brightside can't.

The iPhone 5 is thinner and lighter.

The iPhone 5 has a graphics processor. The Brightside does not.

The iPhone 5 has wi-fi support. The Brightside does not.

I hate Apple products with a passion but if someone had a gun to my head and had me choose between these two devices I would choose the iPhone 5 in a second.

The Brightside is simply a horrible device.

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