Why does everyone have an Iphone?
What's so good about it
No only the cool kids do.
its coz they have better apps than any other phone and they're easier to use and have itunes and you don't need an ipod if you have one
It looks cool, it's easy to use, and the OS is more efficient than Android, Blackberry OS, etc.
Also, Apple's marketing is out of this world.
Excellent marketing strategy by Apple and AT&T, and being in the right place at the right time. The good about it is that it's a computer that you can hold in one hand, and it makes phone calls, plus lots of other stuff.
Because it'a a phone and an ipod
Its the hot new thing! If Kim Kardashian started using and old Nokia phone, everybody would start buying them.
Everyone doesn't. I'm on my second BlackBerry and my next phone will probably be an Android.
Its definitely not because they needed it or they could afford to have this extra luxury. It is to show off, to have a fake purpose, to feel important and to feel like being part of something.
By all means iphone is a very best phone, though it is hardly ever priced correctly… In short it is always over priced accounting for a fact that as a phone it has also a value of perceived wealth and status toward other people and to some people in our modern culture.
There are alternatives such as samsung galaxy S2 and S3.
In the end it is just suppose to be a phone, people can use it to run away from realities of their dire status, but inevitable catches sooner or later.
- Why does everyone want an iphone? I have this phone: http://i.i.com.com/cnwk.1d/i/tim/2012/07/11/Huawei_T-Mobile_MyTouch, Q_610_610x467.png and although it's not an iphone, I love it. Came out a week ago. I just don't understand why people want an iphone.
- Why does everyone want an iphone 5? I honestly don't think apple would be as popular as it is if Steve Jobs was still alive. Like they say, an artist's work is more valuable when they're dead. I think people are just buying the iphone 5 because of that reason, but some people are buying more than 2. Why? Is the technology inside the phone advanced or something? I heard some people buy the phone to take it apart for the useful stuff inside, but why do they do that?
- Why does everyone want an iphone 5 for? - 1 As soon as you buy that iphone 5 they'll just come back next year with an iphone 6 with yet better features, and maybe a satellite signal that can make calls worldwide instead of just national.
- Why does everyone I know with iphones have cracked screens? ? DROID > iphone. I have had so many people try to convince me that iphones are better, but I love my droid too much, lol. I used to be an apple snob, but iphones are overrated.