Why does my iphone look yellow?

I have the white iphone 4. Its my second week having it. My bestfriend had hers for a while noe. I compared mines to hers.hers is so nice and white and mind look dingie white. Why is that?

Did you get it used or refurbished? Do you have a screen protector on it? Usually the "yellow tinge" is caused by a cheaply made screen (for example if it was used before and was dropped and cracked.) If it's not an Apple screen, chances are that it is "fake" and not going to be of as high as a quality as something that were to be made by Apple.

If you have a screen protector, depending on the type you get (Apple usually gives you the "frosted look" ones at the store when you ask for a screen protector, these can often distort the color a bit. These would be the only 2 explanations to cause this that I'd be aware of.

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