Why does my Phone (iPhone7) say storage full when the settings > Storage > 'visual data representation' only has 16.3 out of 32 gigs used?
Why does my Phone (iPhone7) say storage full when the settings > Storage > 'visual data representation' only has 16.3 out of 32 gigs used?
Because iOS is a buggy piece of ****. I had to factory reset and restore multiple iPhones from clients just so unused space in the gigabytes did actually become available again.
Do yourself a favor and get an Android phone next.
- Why does my iphone say I have used so much storage? It say I have used 5.3 GB. It say I have 821mb left. I added up all the apps and and its like 3300 MB. I looked it up and its like 1000 MB in a GB. So that's like 2 GB that's being used that isn't there. What is taking up all my storage. Can someone please explain?! And can someone tell me how to free up some storage if I can
- Why does my iPhone 6 (16 GB) show that 11 gigabytes are taken up, when only about a gigabyte of my storage is actually being used? Please tell me, I can barely do anything on my phone with this! And please tell me if there's a way to fix it!
- Why does my iPhone 5s say I'm almost out of storage? I've only bad my phone for about five months and it already says I'm almost out of storage. I have the 16gb iPhone 5s. I only have 700 photos, 13 videos, 301 photos, and not even two full pages of apps. I don't plug my phone into a computer very often, so could that be the problem?
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