Why doesn't my alarm go off on my new iphone5?

Whenever I turn off my phone, I leave the sound on and everything else in check. But it still won't sound, why does it happen? What do I do in the settings to make it turn on? Because I have to lock the screen in order for it to sound, and leave it on all night. I don't like that it wastes money on my phone bill. How do I fix this in my settings?

It doesn't use your minutes or data limit to leave the phone on. If you're worried about data just either make sure it's on your wi-fi network or if you don't have one just turn off the cellular data.

Check volume

  • Why doesn't my alarm clock sound off on my iphone? Although it "alarms" when it should, it doesn't ring, it only vibrates. Does anyone know how to fix this? P.S I had a 4 day weekend last week, and I kept leaving my phone everywhere, so I didn't get to turn off the alarm clock for maybe 3 days, so maybe this is the reason?
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