Why is my iPhone editing swear words out of songs?
So today I was leaving work and I shuffled all of my songs on my iPhone 8 which is running iTunes 11.4 and it went to an Eminem song that hd some vulgar language but instead of hearing the swear words I hear a noise in place of the swear words. I want to listen to the music the way I it was originally recorded. Somehow I must have turned on a setting in iTunes by accident Thanks
Added (1). I did not purchase the edited version. I purchased the explicit version. I have listened to the songs before on my iPhone and have heard the explicit version before.
That is what i hate about today's society, it is becoming more restricted by the day, people should have the choice what to hear or see, as long as it isn't illegal of course.
Nope, you purchased the edited version. Phones can't edit out words on the fly. You bought a censored version.
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