Why isn't my iphone 4 turning on?

Why isn't my iphone 4 turning on?

Is it charged?
If it is, hold down the two volume buttons and the lock button at the same time and it should turn on.

It's just gone into DFU mode… Its a common problem don't worry
Just press and hold the home button and the top power button together for 15 -20 seconds till the apple logo lights up and then leave the buttons your phone will be back to normal

  • Why isn't my iphone turning on? - 1 I have an iphone 4s and i put it in the battery charger for it to charge and i was waiting for the screen to light up, but it didn't and i tried pressing the home button and the lock button but they both arnt working i also tried holding them down and thats not working either. Should i jus give it time to rest?
  • Why isn't my iphone turning on? - 2 Why isn't my iphone turning on? I had my phone in my bag for an hour then found it won't turn on. There are no cracks and the inside screen isn't broken. I tried charging it for an hour but it won't turn on. Nothing got in it and when you call the phone. The other phone can hear ringing but the phone itself doesn't ring
  • Why isn't my iphone turning on? - 3 I have a iphone 4s that i haven't used for about 2 years and was going to sell it. I put it on charge and the battery sign came up so i left it for a while to charge but it was still saying it had no battery. So i left it for a few days and now when i unplug it it just comes up with the apple sign and doesn't turn on. I've tried holding the lock button down whilst plugging in and re starting it but notbing is working, Does it need a new battery or is the phone broken?
  • Why isn't my iPhone 4 turning on or charging? Nothing has happened to it. It randomly shut off when I wasn't looking and when I picked it up it wouldn't turn on or charge. I Can't try and reboot it with the home and lock buttons because my lock button is broken. How can I fix this, it won't even connect to the computer