Will Apple replace my iPhone 5 if I don't have insurance?

I've had my iPhone since Christmas and I didn't get the insurance on it. The top power button doesn't work, will Apple replace my iPhone even though I don't have the insurance? Or will I have to pay full price for a whole new iPhone?

Yes, because insurance is a trick to get people to pay for nothing. Not having insurance gives you an advantage, and Apple will now give you a brand new iPhone 5.

(jk you have to pay but not for a WHOLE new phone)

Yea that makes a lot of sense, hey if my house burns down and its not insured will a company just come and build me another? #FigureItOut #DumbA$$

Nope. Have to buy a new one.

There's a 1 year limited warranty as long as the problem is not caused by damage, you should be covered.