Can computer(PC) virus infect iPhone to PC?

I downloaded files on iPhone with iDowloader app and uploaded on Google drive. When I try to download on my computer, it tells me that the files are contaminated. So will my iPhone still have computer virus (which seem to be immune for iPhone) and infect my computer if I connect these two?

Fortunately no.
They are totally different operating systems and architecture.

Viruses generally only attack one type of system.

Windows Viruses don't effect Macs.
Mac Viruses (yest they exist) don't affect windows.
Phone Viruses don't effect computers.

In short, don't worry you're safe. Just make sure to run your computers virus scan.

Chances are the files are viruses but can't affect your iphone, however they can still infect your PC, just delete them from your phone and googledrive.

No. The ios is incompatible to any virii that might attack a PC. BUT>>> An included virus that is in a file when it is downloaded to the iPhone won't hurt the iPhone, but remains in the file as it is loaded into the PC. Thus the PC can get the virus. A file transferred through different system types is simply a file until it reaches the system type that it can attack. This is why most Windows virus writers work on Unix, or Mac OS machines so that they can write their virus scripting without destroying their own computer.

Of course some anti-virus software will consider ANY file type, or a corrupted file it doesn't recognize as a virus. (Better safe than sorry is their thinking and I support them in that.)