How long do I keep my iPhone in rice? - 2

I dropped my iPhone 5c into the toilet and put it into a container of rice, but how long
to I keep it in there?

You don't. As I mentioned in my last post, putting your phone in rice won't do anything for you, especially if you didn't remove the battery.

Rice does not have any ability to magically suck water out of electronics. You need to remove the battery, dry everything off, try to shake out as much water as possible, then leave the phone in a warm spot to encourage any water that did get inside to evaporate. After about 24 hours, you can try putting the battery back in and powering the phone on.

However if water had made it inside before you were able to remove the battery, then there's a good chance the phone is irreparably damaged. Your only choice at this point is to buy a new one.

As long as you like. All you've done is to ruin perfectly good rice in addition to your phone.

The rice trick does not work. Phones which work afterwards are the few homes which would have worked anyway.

72 hours!