How long should i keep my iPhone 5s in rice?

I came into school late today and when I was walking to the door that leads inside from the parking lot I realized that my phone wasn't in my pocket. I thought I left it in my car so I rushed back to my car to look for it but it wasn't there. When I was walking back to the school I noticed my phone screen down on the grass.

It was on the grass for maybe 10 minutes at the most during the downpour and was used slightly briefly during the day but now the screen keeps freezing and when I type it starts to type letters that IIm not typing. I put it in rice when I got home about 10 minutes ago…

But how long should I leave it in rice before charging it/trying to use it again?

72 hours in an airtight container with with or silica gel (MUCH better to use BTW) for NO LESS than 72 HOURS.

Do not charge, do not touch, do not try to turn it on. Why air tight container? You do not want the rice or silica gel to be exposed to room air, to absorb moisture from the room.

The reason the screen is glitching is because the phone is NOT air tight. There are gaps around the screen, the seams in the phone housing, all the open ports and speakers can and do allow water into the phone.

So unless the phone is marketed as waterproof, rain, puddles, toilets and all other splashes, dips and submersion into liquid, is NOT a good thing.

48 hours MINIMUM (with it off of course).