If my wi-fi works on my ipad, why woudn't it work for my iphone?

My ipad picks up my wi-fi signal but my iphone doesn't for some reason.

Don't know for 100% sure but i would say there must be something stopping it in the iphones settings?
Why not compare them with the ipad's settings?
And can your iphone connect to other Wi-Fi networks do you know?

Possibly the settings on the iPhone are turning off Wi-Fi. To change that, go to Settings>Wi-Fi on your phone, and if the switch is turned to off, then slide your finger on the switch and it should work from then on.

Hope I helped!

You should include the type of iPhone and type of iPad you have in the description.

It's possible that if you're using an old iPhone, it doesn't work with the router correctly. Or if you're using an old router and a new iPhone, it doesn't work correctly.

The exact same thing happened with me, so I bought a more modern router and it fixed the problem.