Is there a minimum time in order to early terminate a verizon contract?

I want to get an iphone 5s from Verizon and I heard they sell them unlocked with 2 year agreement. They have a 350 early termination fee so it's 125+350=475.So in the end, it will be cheaper than the unlocked cost. So I was wondering if this would work and would there be a minimum service time verizon requires?

It will be more than that. Thee is sales tax on the unactivated price of the phone. You have to pay the activation fee of $35 and one month service minimum for $100+taxes and fees. $15 estimated. Thje phone shows up as $199 on the website.

You will be limited to 3G at best. Verizon uses different LTE bands than other carriers.

You really save nothing and often pay more. Phone companies figured this out years ago.

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