My uncle won't stop stealing?

My 24 year old uncle is staying with us. I'm 17 and I work and contribute to the bills and so does my mom. My uncle contributes nothing and he won't get a job. My uncle gets food stamps because he was homeless for a while and he is very stingy. For example he buys food for only him and if you touch his stuff he will curse you out. He also has stolen money from my room and he stole and old IPhone from me. My mom is never going to kick him out because she's too nice. He always says he doesn't need a job and he isn't trying to better his life. I have caught him rambling in my car for change. It's really annoying that I can't even leave money around. How do I deal with my anger towards my uncle? I feel like exploding!

Try going to church and tell your uncle he needs help and you don't like it when he steals. Sounds like he definitely needs Jesus

I suggest you explode. Some people say you should be nice to your elders, but he isn't exactly being nice to you. He does actually need a slap because he's supposed to teach you better. He should've stayed homeless. It would teach him to be thankful for what he has and should return the favour.

My sister takes my nail polish I'm the youngest she's the oldest put it in a box or under your bee

Stand up for yourself! Tell him to quick stealing your stuff and stay out of your room and car. If that doesn't work tell your mom its either he leaves or you.

Kick him out your self.
Gather his things
Put them in the backyard
And if he wants them, he has to get them. (Lock all the doors)

Ask your uncle why you don't work, why you became homeless, why you steal from those who love you, why you choose to live the way you live and if it work for do you think it will work for me, and if he love you he will say don't be like me. And he is too young to be your uncle

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