Why is my Wi-Fi connection good on laptop but not on iPhone?

I have virgin Wi-Fi. The Wi-Fi on my laptop is fast and responsive, but on my iPhone it is slow and often disconnects and I have to walk around with it everywhere until it finds my Wi-Fi again

Why is it doing this? What can I do to make the Wi-Fi on my iPhone faster/stop disconnecting? I have an iPhone 4s

For iphone. Do the basic steps.
1) Forget this network > restart phone > key in Wi-Fi password
2) Reset Network Settings, When the device restarts, try to locate and join the Wi-Fi network again.
3) if above don't work, use itunes restore.

for laptop disconnecting problem, the most common issues are
1) IP conflict > renew your ip.
2) Malware
3) Driver outdated or corrupted
4) Wi-Fi hardware problem.

Hi, I wanted to ask if ever found a resolution to this. I'm having exactly the same problem. Ipad works fine, but my and my husband's laptops _both_ will not connect - recognise the network, but say local access only. So it's unlikely to be malware, I would think. So it would be great if you could let me know what worked!

This is a common problem with iphones but mainly the 4s. The phones aluminium frame means they suffer from signal deflection. Unfortunately resetting passwords etc. Etc. Will not help. Google it for more info. On signal deflection. This is the reason.