Can a teacher do this to me?

So today after school while i was walking down the hallway to my bus, i had my phone in my hand because i was expecting a text. I wasn't using it, i was just holding it. My teacher called my name and forced me to give him my phone (even though school ended 5-10 minutes earlier. He didn't say when i could have it back, and i just really want it back because i have an iphone. Is my teacher allowed to take my phone after school hours like this?

You were still on school grounds. If they have a no cell phone rule, then yes, he can.

Don't be mad at him. YOu were the one breaking the rules.

I think that your teacher should of never done that because after school hours and 2. You were not using it she/he should of not done that… Good luck on getting it back

Simple answer is no. It is not your property because you are under 18, it is your parents, even if you bought it yourself. But a teacher is not allowed to obtain any property from you, because that is obtaining property from your parents, which no one can do without a court order.
To my information, he can't do that. You should contact your parents immediately. And if you are above 18, then it is for sure illegal. Good luck.

My teacher took my phone out of my hand once, and kinda slammed it onto his table. I went up to the her table took her phone and did the exact same thing. She yelled at me saying that was not okay. I said I were going to give her phone to the principle and that she could pick it up later, she of course did not let me, but I got my phone back and she never did that again to me.

Yes even if School finished you had your phone brandished on School premises which is against the rules there for the Teacher has the right to punish you.

Not really, it was after school hours and you're not on his time anymore. See if you can get it back tomorrow; get your parents involved.
Next time, try to follow the rules and don't take your phone out in front of teachers!

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