Does 'equality' demand everyone have equal access to iphones and haagen daaz?

Does 'equality' demand everyone have equal access to iphones and haagen daaz?


Under socialism, equality of outcome has historically meant "shared poverty".

Yes, if they have the cash or credit for it.

We already have equal opportunity in this country, but Libs take it to mean literal equal amounts to everyone, which is impossible.

Everyone already has "access" - just go to the store & buy it. You choose how you spend what you earn. If you claim you "can't afford it," that means you have other priorities for your money.

You're running in the Democratic primary, aren't you?

Equal access, meaning that all are able to procure such, the answer is yes; if you mean that equal access means we will tax those who are more than able to buy these devices and use the funds to give the devices to those who claim for whatever reason they can't afford them the answer is a resounding NO.

Yes - and quality toilet paper.

Yes, in a way. Sometimes Geography limits that. It's hard for me to get an In and Out Burger on the east coast. I don't mind much since I don't think they're that good.