How long do I keep my iPhone in rice?
I dropped my iPhone in the toilet about an hour and thirty minutes ago. I just put it in rice about 5 minutes ago. How long should I keep my phone in the rice?
As long as it takes you to eat the rice
I dropped my phone in the toilet too, and i left it in there for about 2 and a half days.don't try and turn it on any sooner, it'll mess it up.
About 24 hours to be safe, but after 8 i don't think it'll make a very big difference.
The longer the better. The warmer it is the better too. I know some people who took their pot of rice with the iphone inside, and put it in their oven set to the lowest setting with door open to speed the drying process. You wouldn't want it to get above say 110-120 degs.
I drop my phone in shower water and i don't know what to do it work for a while and i couldnt hear in it turned off
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