How long does a package take to clear us customs?

I'm in kentucky and i'm waiting a package from Scotland.According to usps site it is in customs since june 2nd. Now on th 11th my package hasn't already cleared customs.Did someone experience this wait and if yes how long does it take to pass thorugh customs?

my friend sent me his old iphone 5 as a late b-day present.

Customs can keep a package for as long as they want to or feel they need to. It may be a day, a week, a month. That having been said, if you have nothing illegal and all the paperwork was filled out properly in Scotland, they would want to clear it as fast as possible. But they may be backed up. Or maybe your friend didn't fill out the Customs paperwork properly.

Or, it's entirely possible that the parcel has already been cleared and has been turned over to USPS. Packages are usually scanned when they hit the USPS ISC, but it's possible yours was missed. The lack of a scan doesn't hold up delivery… It's just that you wouldn't know where it was.

Nothing is scanned while it is in Customs or in transit.

Customs can take as long as they want/need to clear a package. Most things go through in a couple of days; however, I've known a few things to take as long as 8 weeks. Delays can occur if the customs paperwork is filled out incompletely, incorrectly or is missing altogether. There can also be a delay if there's a question of whether duty (tax) is owed or even if the item is legal

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