How to dry out an iPhone 4S? - 1
Okay around 5pm tonight, my iPhone fell into the sink (stupid I know) I didn't realize my top pocket wasn't closed. It fell in and it was in the water for at least 1 minute, I took it out, dried it and removed the sim card and dried that too… My mum put on a tissue and set the phone on top of that and put them both on a radiator, around 6.30pm, I started getting messages and alerts, so the sound is back and working fine, when I use the button - I can feel it vibrate, so the sound is deffo fine. But the screen isn't working. So there's no screen but sounds.
Should I leave it on heat for another while? Or am I screwed?
Backround information - iPhone 4S - Vodafone Contract - Had from September 2012
Blow dry on a low setting for ten minutes or so an let it sit for awhile. Check the water damage indicator to see if there's any hope. Make sure to not turn on your phone for at LEAST a few hours.
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