How to fix my water damaged iPhone 5?

I dropped my iPhone 5 in my toilet (it was in my sweater pocket and it fell out). I immediately took off the case and dried it off with a towel and I tried to turn it off, but I couldn't slide the red button because my touch screen wasn't working. I can't take out the battery, because I don't have the right screwdriver to take out the screws on the bottom of the phone, by the headphone jack slot. So I took out the SIM card and I saw that there's a pink circle on the water damage indicator. It's been in a bowl of rice for maybe 20 minutes. It's now stuck on the Apple logo you see when you turn your phone on. Help?

Added (1). Guys, it's already in a bowl of rice._. I'm just asking what should I do about the touch screen and it being stuck at the Apple logo.

GET A bowl of rice, put the phone in the bowl and place in airing cupboard for the night x

Put it into a bag of rice in an air tight bag. Then leave it and send it to a local repair shop

Rice adn tehn call Apple!

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