How to tether Wi-Fi (not carrier Internet) on my computer with my iPhone 4s?
I have a router downstairs, so I get Wi-Fi signal in my room upstairs. I have a computer laying around in my room with no modem or Internet wires, and I was wondering how do I use the Wi-Fi on my iPhone for Internet on my computer?
Is your phone jailbroken? If it is, go to Cydia and download a tweak called Pdanet. You'll also need the iPhone to computer cable and the Pdanet desktop drivers though. You'll need to somehow transfer the desktop driver from your phone (if you choose to download the driver with your phone as well) to the computer without using internet.
You can't. You can only tether a computer and an iPhone to use your carrier's service, not your personal Wi-Fi network.
If you really want to use that computer online, then consider buying a Wi-Fi adapter for it. You can find them in any store that sells electronics. Here's an example: Basically, you plug this into a USB port on the computer, install drivers with the CD it comes with (or Windows will automatically do it), and then your computer can connect to your Wi-Fi network just like your iPhone already can.
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