I think I messed up cutting my sim card?
I tried to cut my straight talk micro sim card to fit an iphone 5, which takes a nano sim. Now, my phone keeps searching for signal every few seconds, is that why?
You can't cut up a SIM card. It will not function correctly, or at all!
Try telling your service provider (IF APPLICABLE) what happened. If they are nice, they will give you another one. Not sure if it will cost, though.
Please be careful next time!
Actually you can cut a SIM card I have straight talk and my service is perfectly fine. I ordered a micro sim (because that's all they had) and cut it myself actually watching YouTube videos on how to. Maybe you cut into the sim to far in and messed up. If you have the money I recommend buying a new one and this time search YouTube or actually you can buy a nano SIM card cutter on amazon or eBay if your to nervous to try again. Hope I helped
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- Will cutting my sim card work to use as micro sim? - 1 Will cutting my sim card work to use as micro sim? I just ordered an iPhone 4 and I need to cut the sim card to make it a Micro sim. Will it affect it. I have seen a bunch of video and already have the template it for it. I'm using simple mobile. Do you know if anything wrong happen to it? Any recommendations, Please!
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