If I buy an Iphone in the USA will I be able to use it in South Africa?

I want to buy an Iphone in the US and bring it back to South Africa as it is significantly cheaper. I'm just worried that it might not be compatable with our service providers or something. I went to the US in 2006 and my cell phone did not work when I was there - someone told me that not all phones work in the USA and visa versa.

Yes, if you buy it unlocked, or unlock it

you do know, the cheap prices in the US are only with a new 2-year contract with a US-based wireless company, which you will not qualify for.

an unlocked iPhone 5 16gb in the US is $649.99

Yes, it may not be compatible on our networks here in SA, but check with Apple support. You can email Apple support to make sure.

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