IPHONE DROPPED IN WATER. Red dot, i've already done rice treatment CAN I FIX ON MY OWN?

I accidentally dropped my iPhone in water.
i placed it in rice for 3 days and its working EXCEPT FOR ONE PROBLEM. The phone won't charge. There's a small, faint red dot in the charging port on my iPhone. Ti read on the apple website to go to the store, and That the warranty doesn't cover if the red dot appears.
so can i fix this on my own? Please Help! I need the phone to do my job. And i don't have the time or the money to get it to the store and pay for this.

I highly doubt you can do it by yourself, it would require taking it apart and replacing the damaged pieces which you won't actually know which bit is broken, it would be a case of trial and error with a huge risk of breaking it further.

Rice doesn't magically reverse damage. It actually doesn't do anything, its just a matter of letting it dry out several days and see if damage was done or not. If damaged then take it to an apple store and see how much damage was done.