Iphone stolen what should i do?

Well i'm super carefull with my stuff, including my iphone. That's the most expensive thing i own. Well my friend wanted do to something on my phone while i was doing something. In 5th period i realized i left my phone but i knew, it was on the dance room, and we're all like family. After school and the next day i check the phone is not there. She doesn't know where she put it. What should i do? Should she pay it? Or you guys think she stole it? She doesn't have a good phone, and she kinda has a bad history by lying.


Your story doesn't match up. Did your friend borrow your phone and not return it, or did you leave it on the Dance Room floor? If your friend lost your phone, then she should definitely pay for it. If you lost it, it's your responsibility.

First you should tell your cell phone company so they can trace it then i say she should pay but you did let her use it so i guess it depends how close you are as friends.

Go to
Sign in with your apple id and track your phone with the maps they provide

If your friend lost it then she has to buy you another.
The bottom line is… Don't give it to anyone, its fine to make a call for someone but no way should you be handing your phone to someone else to take and do whatever they want with it.

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