My iPhone 4, Jailbroken, 6.0.1, won't boot tethered?
I jailbroke it and installed cydia, and can turn it on and off normally without having cydia or anything jailbroken showing up. I installed the things that trick it into thinking it's iOS 6 and followed tutorials, etc. The jailbreaking went fine for the most part. My issue is, it won't boot tethered! I keep trying to click on it and tell it to boot tethered, use DFU mode, etc. The issue is, it goes through all the steps but it gets stuck on the rebooting step. The blue bar goes all the way to the end and it says "Waiting for reboot" and hours gone by, nothing happens. Not even the pineapple logo or anything. Also, now Safari and Mail both won't work. Can someone help me? D
Heres what you got to do, when you open redsn0w you got to go to "select IPSW" then click the firmware IOS 6.0 and after that retry to boot it.
Thank you so much for this solution, so simple yet i paid a webpage for the steps and they did not mention this and i was going crazy!
I did that and it didn't work, it won't boot on its own, i have to reboot it manually
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