Women: My penis is about the length of an Iphone?

My penis is about the length of an Iphone. I'm a 23 year old virgin and was just wondering is that considered too small, and about how long is that in inches. Don't worry about offending me, just be honest. Input from women is preferred.

Added (1). No Kathleen lol. Its thickness is what I would think would be considered normal. You didn't answer the question though.

Added (2). @silver.

Iphone 4s unlocked with tmobile imessage problems?

Hi, I have an Iphone 4s unlocked with T-mobile. Imessage was working perfectly until tonight. It keeps saying waiting for activation. I turned it off and on then suddenly a message popped up saying "Your carrier may charge for sms messaging" something like that. Now imessage does not work. I have reset all settings, but it did not do anything. My iphone is not jailbroken. Is there any way i can fix it? Will it be fixed at all is my main question.

Iphones do NOT need screen protectors?

Not really a question. But my uncle bought the iphone 4s last month. He asked for a screen protector. The apple guy helping him took out his keys and his own iphone, scratched it and said "you don't need one". There it is people. All screen protector companies for iphones should go out of business by the time the iphone 6 comes out

My iPhone 3gs has stopped working, what should i do?

My iPhone stopped working the other day. It had about 54% battery i have tried to charge it and that doesn't work. I have also plugged it into my computer which didn't do anything. My computer didn't pick up if anything was there. I have also tried to hard reboot it but that isn't working.got any other suggestions?

Windows media player to Itunes?

I downloaded this program called "atube" to convert songs from youtube and i put those songs into windows media player so i can put songs to a cd, but now i'm trying to put those songs into my iphone and its not working so i'm trying to put those songs that i put in windows media player into itunes but its not going in there.anyone know what i can do?