IPhone Wi-Fi automatic connect?

Is there any way to let my iPhone connect to any open Wi-Fi i pass by?

i mean any Wi-Fi without password any where i go so i don't have to select one every time.
and actually i want this because i'm afraid if my iPhone got stolen then i will make sure it will connect to any Wi-Fi as soon as it get near one so i can track it.

please i really need this

i have iPhone 4s 5.1.1

Added (1). Some of you may say that Wi-Fi have a password so it won't connect just to let you know not all Wi-Fi connections have password

I recently deleted a note on my iphone and really need it back

I downloaded a back up extractoer but its 25$ to get some registery code to make the encrypted code readable, really need this note back but don't have 25$ to pay for tractor but i have the free version which give me the encrypted code and my iphone was last backed up with the note still on it i need help getting it back as soon as possible either by finding a way to view the back up data, getting the code un encrypted or anyway possible

Syncing iPhone songs onto iTunes?

Okay so what I want to do is make ringtones on my iPhone 4s. But in order to do that I have to sync my iPhone to iTunes. Which I haven't done yet with my phone. I have 60 songs that i bought on itunes store on my phone but I don't want to lose them. And i heard if I sync my phone to the computer that it will wipe everything out of it? So is there any way to sync the songs and all the apps and media from my phone onto itunes on my laptop?

Can I do this if I get an iphone?

I have an android phone at the moment and it's with 3, but I really want to get an iPhone 4s and I still have a year left of my contract. Could I buy an unlocked iPhone off ebay and just put my sim card from my current android phone into it and have it work normally? Would that work out? Please help, thanks

Added (1). Would I have to pay the same price per month and have the same amount of minutes?

Added (2). The micro sim isn't a problem because i have a micro sim cutter thing at home which was my brothers but he has only used it once and it worked fine in his iPhone.

Not receiving texts on iphone?

I just recently got an iPhone 4s on sprint and everything is working fine. I just started talking to this person and he's been calling and asking why I'm not answering his texts. Thing is I'm not recievig any but I can get
them from other people. I'm not sure how to fix this

Added (1). Already registered, just this one person I'm having a problem with

How to put music on my iphone? - 1

I got a new laptop and want to put music on my iphone. I put music on it with a different computer and now it won't let me put music on it with this one. Do i need to restore it or something?

Can you lock whole conversations on an iPhone?

My mother can be very nosy and I don't want her looking at my personal text messages. I already have a 4 digit lock code to get into my phone, but that doesn't stop her. Plus, if I ask her not to look, she will look anyway just because I say not too. Please, please tell me there's a way to lock individual whole conversations without having to delete them?

Switching from Blackberry to iPhone? - 1

I have AT&T. Next Wednesday, I'm getting an iPhone 4 - I currently use a Blackberry Curve 8520. Will I be able to use my BB SIM card in the iPhone and have all my contacts available? Or will I have to re-add all of my contacts?

Not all pictures from iPhone are going to iCloud?

I have an iPhone setup with iCloud and a Windows 7 PC. I have tons of photos that should be showing up in the Photo Stream folder on my PC. However only 17 (out of probably 80) are working. Is there a setting I'm missing for these remaining photos? I have iCloud turned on on my iPhone and the iCloud Control Panel on the PC checked. Ideas?