I had had enough of the iphone 4?

I have an iPhone 4 & I don't like it. It freezes at random times & my home button only works when it feels like it. I had had enough and i was looking the android phones, are they good? Galaxy S 3 and N9770 MTK6577, which one is the best? I really want a new phone, so which phone is better than the iPhone 4?

Should I trust this website?


Pretty sure it's a scam because the price is really low. Nearly 50% off the original price…

Received the same text message over 400 times

Okay, so I'm texting my friend like I do almost every night. But tonight, something odd happened, she sent one text and I happened to receive it a total for 420 times! And I turned off my phone, restarted all my apps (I have an iPhone 4s) and even tried going into airplane mode to check if that would reset anything. After waiting about a good 30 minutes, the texts finally stopped and she has not said anything since. Lucky for me, I have unlimited texts. But I'm just curious on how to stop this and if anyone would have an answer as to why this kinda thing would happen. Additionally, she has a droid of some sort.

Iphone bumper case from amazon?

I ordered an iphone bumber from amazon
and i was worried because the case only covers around phone,
so i want to know if that is a bad thing and if it will not protect as good as other cases

IPhone update saying continuing all media will be lost?

OK, on my iPhone 3gs i have an update for 5.1.1 so i backed up all my apps and everything, then in the middle of updating it says "this computer doesn't have enough memory and continuing all media will be lost" and i was like i don't want to loose everything so i canceled. Now my question is can i still update and they take all my media off but since i have it backed up in my itunes i can just put it back on there or will it take it off my itunes too?

My IPHONE 4S is password protected.but my PASSWORD IS NOT WORKING! H*E*L*P

I have an iPhone 4s and it is password protected. This just started happening today. It happened once earlier. I entered my password and it wouldn't work. I tried over and over again and it eventually worked. Now the same thing is happening again. I have tried it quite a few times already and after you try it like 10 times and get it wrong, it deletes everything on your phone! And it's the same password so I know I'm not entering it wrong. What do I do?

BTW: It got a tiny amount of water on it but that would affect the whole phone, not just the password. What should I do?

Just got my first iPhone, how do I close apps to save battery?

I have always had android phones and last had the htc evo. I always had an app/widget called task killer that I would tap and it would close all my running apps. Today I got my first iPhone 4 and see there are no such apps however I know I have a ton of things running, how can I close them out/save battery?

Changing the color of your iPhone?

I know there's place you take your iPhone to fix the screen if it gets cracked, and they can also change the color. But in order to change the color, do you actually have to get it cracked? I really wanna change mine, it's boring old black. But would i purposely have to break the screen in order to? I prefferabley wouldn't want to haha. And if you can, how much would it cost?