Can I trade a Verizon iPhone 4 for a tmobile iPhone 4?
I was given Verizon iPhone 4. I'm with tmobile and I was wondering if I can trade it in in for the same phone just with Verizon.
I was given Verizon iPhone 4. I'm with tmobile and I was wondering if I can trade it in in for the same phone just with Verizon.
My iPhone 4 was recently stolen. The phone did have a passcode on it and had synced it to my computer, but I'm wondering if the thieves can bypass this passcode to get to my notes and pictures? I called AT&T and blacklisted the serial number as well as disabled the service. I'm not exactly sure what this means, but I'm curious if my information on the phone is protected.
My friend bought an iPhone 4 64GB for $400, but it was locked, and she got it unlocked here easily.
How much does a locked iPhone 4S 16GB cost? I ant the price for the locked one, not the factory unlocked one or anything, I know about that stuff.
If anyone could check the price on a local mobile store, which would probably sell it at a price cheaper than that at the iStore.
How much will the iPhone 4 plan cost per month with AT&T?
I'm on my iphone and I went to the toilet where I sat and did a poo at this party and it really stunk! It is actually the worst thing I've ever smelled and I work in the sewer! And now there's someone knocking on the door! What do I do? How do I get out?
They Offer the IPHONE 4S I have been waiting for it to come to the PREPAID MARKET There's a Rumor that the IPHONE 4S is Coming to BOOST MOBILE in September? I'm Currently a BOOST MOBILE Customer i currently have the HTC EVO DESIGN 4G But if the IPHONE 4S does come to BOOST I WILL GET IT VERY COOL. Anyways i looked at the Coverage map and it looks like CRICKET DOES HAVE BETTER COVERAGE NATIONWIDE I'm in The SOUTHWEST In Particular Santa Fe, New Mexico? Can anyone Confirm the BOOST MOBILE IPHONE 4, 4S Availability in September or soon?
Thanks for any helpful answers What would be Awesome if CRICKET OFFERED SHRINKAGE FOR THE IPHONE 4S
What is the best iphone app that can be used as a personal diary/journal? Are there any really good free ones? Or are the best ones paid apps?
It needs to be secure - set with a passcode and set up so that upon entering the app/resuming the app it requests a passcode/password to enter diary. (To keep it safe from prying eyes!)
If people could give some recommendations, it would be great!
I got my iPhone 4s like a year ago and keep hearing on twitter how all my follows jailbreak their iPhones and how they love it so much. So my question is… Is it a goo thing or bad thing? What are the perks of jail breaking? Do I get more data or GB?
Can you buy something to boost your iPhone signal? On Talkmobile uk (vodaphone) can't get a signal in my house, don't want to dismantle the phone though any ideas please many thanks
I was wondering how much data the default weather app for the Iphone uses when it refreshes, basically how much does it download in size to update the weather.