IPhone charging and USB Overcharge Error?

I recently have been having issue when I try and charge my iphone on my Dell Studio laptop. Sometimes the USB ports have no power, but if I restart that usually fixes the issue. Also I have 1 port that when the iPhone is pluged into sometimes when I unlock the phone my PC turns off.
I just restarted my computer with my iphone plugged in to one of the 'good' USB ports and received an error about USB overcharging. What is causing this? Is there a short in my phone? And is there any way to fix it?

I want to switch from my Droid Razr to the Iphone?

I have The DROID RAZR from Verizon but I'm just so sick of it. The Iphone is just so much more simple, i just got the droid last christmas. Is there any way i can switch to the Iphone 4s without any additional fees? Because its a two.year contract

What iphone app/filter is this?

I've been seeing a lot of people using a filter on photos that looks really cool but I don't know the name of it! Its NOT on Instagram and so I'm wondering if its an app. The filter looks like it really saturates the photo in a light blueish color and leaves an orangeish/red streak in the upper left corner of the photo, Please help! I've been looking forever!

Can I use an sprint iphone 4s on Virgin Mobile?

I know that Virgin Mobile doesn't use CDMA. But, since they have the iphone now, I was wondering if that changes anything. I want to use my friends sprint iPhone 4s. Can I and how?

Also, If its not possible. I won't be able to afford Virgin Mobile's iphone 4s. If i bought a used unlocked one. Will that work?

How to watch dubbed anime on my iPhone 3G?

I jailbroke my iPhone so if there's a way to watch anime by that. I can't download a flash player app in the apple app store. So is there a website or a technique to watch anime on a iPhone 3G? Just a reminder I did jailbroke my iPhone.

How to install ceiling speakers to play music through iPhone?

I'm a newbie at this, I have money to purchase products and I know the skills how to fit them into the ceiling but I don't understand how it connects to something to play music? I do want to play music from my iPhone and let it connect to something that will play my music and then play through my ceiling speakers? I might be talking about something stupid here but try and make me understand how it all connects and works please, thank you.

Any links with all the products will be grateful, thank you so much!

Is the Lifeproof iphone 4s case worth it?

I've looked at alot of reviews on this case, and really they are all over the board. Some say that it works amazingly, and some say its the worst case they have ever used. I want my phone to be protected from sand, (since i live near the beach), and be able to handle falls. The waterproof feature seems like just a bonus. Is the camera good?

Basically is this a practical phone case for daily life?