Why can't I restore my jailbroken iPhone 4?

I jailbroke my iphone 4 using redsn0w 0.9.10.b6. This was a semi tethered jailbreak and i have turned my phone on and off. I now want to completely remove the jailbreak by restoring my iphone. But iTunes brings up an error- 'firmware not compatible'. I was wondering how i can get past this? (by the way i'm trying to remove it because it no longer works when i download the jailbreak tool- as i deleted it ages ago)

My iphone keeps shutting off?

I have an iphone 3g. The only way it will stay on if its on the charger or if its off the charger it must be playing music to stay on, but as soon as the music stops playing it will turn itself off and then start blinking the apple. The apple will come up and then go away and then come back. This just started happening lastnight, how can i fix it?

Why does my car stereo make a clicking sound when I charge my iPhone?

I just bought a certified preowned 2009 Mazda Mazda3 hatchback. Whenever I plug my charger into my iPhone while it's connected to the aux input I hear a repeating clicking sound through my speakers. The clicking gets faster and slightly higher in pitch as I push the accelerator. What's going on?

Can i put a virgin mobile sim card in an iphone?

Last week i lost my new blackberry bold 9900, and since it wasn't insured i can't get a new one, and to buy one it would cost me over £400.
so i thought i might buy myself a iphone 4, however before doing so, i would like to know would it be possible to put my virgin mobile sim card in the iphone?

I have an IPhone 4s & can't seem to use Bluetooth?

I have the IPhone 4s & have tried to use the Bluetooth but it doesn't seem to work. My friend has the same problem with his on his iPhone 4.It just searches & keeps doing it with nothing happening. Such an expensive phone, latest model but yet you can't use Bluetooth on it so why do they have that function on the handset?

Laptop won't connect to Wi-Fi?

I was given a laptop and its nice (HP G7000) except it will not connect to the home Wi-Fi. It connects to my IPhones Internet and a friends Wi-Fi. So it's not the laptop. I've tried turning the Wi-Fi on and off but nothing. My iPad and iPhone work on the Wi-Fi the same with my sister and parents they've all got something connected to the Wi-Fi. I had the laptop checked and he said it wasn't the driver.

How to activate Iphone 4S without sim?

I want the Iphone to work as an ipod touch. But i can't set it up because i need a SIM card to activate it. Is there any way to safely activate it? I heard you can insert a SIM card from another phone into anothers phone, apparently it works but i don't wanna risk it unless i'm 100% sure.