Is 100-200mb enough for Iphone?

I want to buy a Iphone and I was looking at the plans, it comes with 100-200mb of data. I use Twitter alot and sometimes facebook do you think this is enough for me to last one month?

Very strange - no signal after jailbreak, even if it is factory unlocked?

I have a big problem with my iPhone 4 (8GB). I got it from Switzerland, but I'm using it with a UK sim. What I thought it was FACTORY UNLOCKED, since it immediately found my carrier even before asking to activate the phone. (I also checked on Free iPhone Operator Check By IMEI, and it is UNLOCKED.) But I couldn't activate it just kept saying that "The SIM card inserted in this iPhone does not appear to be supported" blabla… I was wondering why…

So I decided to give it a try and jailbreake it with the latest redsn0w (hacktivate). I jailbroke it, everything went flawless, I could use it without any problem. Before the battery depleted the only program I tried to install from Cydia was "iphonedelivery" (don't know if that matters anything).

Anyway, the battery depleted, then I charged it, turned it on, and ever since it says "no service". What can I do now? I have restored it from iTunes, Jailbroke it again with redsn0w, with no luck. If I restore with iTunes, there's "no service", and it should still be activated (with a proper sim), or if I jailbreake it with redsn0w, it is working fine but I can't use it as a phone, since still "no service". What am I doing wrong?

It came with 5.1.1
model: MD198FD
Baseband: 04.12.01

What can I do now? Any any any ideas are really appreciated.

Iphone 4s incorrect Wi-Fi password?

When trying to connect to my hub at home my phone won't connect and gives the incorrect password error. I tried connecting with a starbucks down the road and I was able to connect but that was an unsecure network. I don't know if this is relevant but my phone is unable to backup on itunes as well due to an unkown error.

I've done everything aside from a full restore as I can't back up my phone so any advice would be great thanks

Is it safe to use a 10 feet long data sync cable on the iPhone?

I just bought a 10 feet long cable for my iPhone 4. But it just occurred to me that it could be harmful for the battery if power is lost at such a long distance. Power/technology experts: Would you recommend not using this cable for the well-being of my phone?

How to transfer music from my iphone to my new mac?

So I just bought a new macbook pro for college. My only problem is that I have approximately 4, 000 songs on my iphone and I'm not sure on how to get all of that music on to my mac. My itunes library that I used previously is on my PC desktop, but I want all that music to go to my new mac. Any help would be great.

Iphone screen not responding?

My boyfriend's iphone (3G) recently broke and he said that if I could fix it that I could keep it.
I want to know whether it's something I'm able to fix myself rather that taking it into a repair shop as it will be cheaper in the long run.

Basically the screen does not respond at all, it's just black. I know that the phone's on because It still makes sounds but if you try to unlock it it doesn't respond either.

If anybody could tell me what to replace/link me to a video that would be great.

MAC OS X lion on Toshiba i7 laptop

Can I develop iphone apps/ games on my laptop which is loaded with MAC OS? Also can I develop iphone and android games/ apps using MAC MINI i5. Intel HD 3000 (no radeon) system?

When the apple store replaces my iphone will they see all of my photos etc?

I'm getting my iphone replaced next week and i need to know if they take the data/memory card out or whatever & view your photos etc?

i'm a bit worried because my elder sister has been using this phone for the past 2/3 months and works for a law firm, hence has screenshotted confidential documents onto the phone which she signed a contract saying she would not show/disclose any of that information. The phone is broken and does not turn on, therefore there's no way this data can be deleted before the replacement.could anyone explain what they do in the apple store with the memory/data from your phone when they replace it and give you a new one?