Why can't I play games on my iPhone?

By games, i mean browser wise. I want to play a game but it says I don't have the java updated. I want to know if there's anyway I could play it. It lets me see the homepage but it won't let me go anywhere:/ it's not like minecraft or anything lol. It's a simple game where you just socialize with people.

How to use my iPhone 4s as an ipod touch?

Recently a relative gave me her iphone since she wanted to get a different phone but I already have a phone and just want to use the iPhone as an iPod only problem is that I don't have a sim card and have already restored the phone so i don't know how to activate it and start downloading music.

oh and i don't want to join any plan or spend money so what can i do?

How to stop getting someone's notifications from Twitter?

I have the Iphone 4s. I have the Twitter app, and the other day I let my friend add their account to get on twitter. I then deleted their account. But I keep getting their notifications. I have made sure the account was deleted on my settings, I have deleted the app and reinstalled it numerous times, but I keep getting them. Is their any other way to try and stop it? It's driving me INSANE

Why doesn't album cover show up on iPhone?

The album cover shows up on my computer and not on my iPhone. When I sync my iPhone, i go to the music tab and click the song, and the album cover shows up on the bottom left corner. I don't know why it doesn't show up on my phone. I paid for the songs on iTunes and not pirated.

How to install aux cable in my Ford Explorer?

I have a 2006 Ford Explorer with an AUX button on the dash, but no jack for a AUX cord. Interesting right? I want to play my ipod/iphone through my speakers, but I don't have a cassette player for an adapter and I really hate the FM modulator quality. Could someone please explain how I can install a cord that runs out the back of my factory deck? I really don't want to pay for a whole new deck as it seems pointless.

&w=1100&h=460&ei=LYIDUOLuNIq4rQGJ46CxDA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=163&vpy=361&dur=686&hovh=145&hovw=347&tx=168&ty=126&sig=101607755834580207910&sqi=2&page=1&tbnh=97&tbnw=232&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429, r:5, s:0, i:89

Here is a pic of the exact deck I have right now, including the backside, maybe helpful. I really appreciate the help! Will definitely pick a best answer and vote!

Why won't my iTunes connect with my iPhone?

I try to connect my iPhone to my computer to sync to iTunes but then a little window pops up that reads "This iPhone can't be used because the Apple Mobile Device service is not started." What does this mean and how do I fix it?

Which is better? Iphone or Android?

I'm thinking of getting a new phone ( i currently have black berry curve)
I was looking at the samsung galaxy 3 perhaps?
but is it better than i phone?
or is there another android that is just as good that may be cheaper?

please and thank you