Anyone having a problem with an iphone x that does not ring?

Started a few weeks ago. I do not have 'do not disturb' turned on. I can be on any app and it will not play the music or my buttons don't click when typing. My alarm will only vibrate. My phone will only vibrate. My phone is updated and i have tried everything. I have to restart the phone to get it to ring again.

Is it worth getting an iPhone if i have an iPod Touch?

I have a flip phone and an iPod Touch, i use the flip phone just for calling and i use my iPod Touch for the internet, facetime, imessaging, the camera, and everything else. I love it, i have the iPod Touch 6th Generation, i bought in 2017 and it was my first apple product. I was thinking about maybe buying an iPhone, should i get one if i already have an iPod? What's better about it?