Iphone speakers not working? - 1

My Iphone 5c was working fine and then i called one of my friends and it sounded like my sound volume was only like halfway up when it said it was on full volume and its just gotten quieter through out the day and its really making me mad. Is there anyway i can fix this with out spending money?

My iPhone 6+ won't work without Wi-Fi?

I used to be able to use my phone without Wi-Fi (connecting to the internet and using texts and such). I had LTE and my cellular data is turned on currently but my phone won't work at all without Wi-Fi and also everytime I try to send a text message I get the 923-0 error msg 2126. And it tells me "You are currently not allowed to use this service. Please contact customer care support." So I'm stuck using iMessage strictly when I have Wi-Fi, or else I can't send or receive any messages until IIm connected to Wi-Fi again. I can't send regular text messages without getting the error. And then when I don't have Wi-Fi, I can't go on the internet or use youtube or anything because it says I don't have internet connection even though I have LTE and I would be perfectly able to use it before this happened!

I screwed up and dropped my iphone in water?

I dropped my iphone in my bathtub. I pulled it out quickly, and wiper it off. It seemed to functions just fine and i made the horrible mistake of using it. I plugged it in and took a nap, woke up, it was still working fine, but i went downstairs to eat, came back up, now it won't turn on. What do i do?

Wi-Fi names to disguise internet connection?

So I have set up a battery backup system that is capable of running my wireless gateway/modem for an extended period of time should there ever be a loss of power. However, I do not want neighbors becoming suspicious of why there's a Wi-Fi network visible during a power outage. What are some SSIDs that I can set my backup network to that will make them think that it's just a local network or something? I was thinking of going with "Alcatel OneTouch Hotspot" or "Chris's iPhone" which sounds less likely to be a reliable connection for people to bug me about.

Where can I get an otterbox for iPhone 6s Plus for good price?

I just upgraded to an iPhone 6s Plus after my 5s finally stopped working. I want to get an otterbox for added protection, especially since I just paid a ton of money for this thing. I just looked on the website and cases for this phone are $50 and more. Is there some place that I can get an otterbox for a reasonable price somewhere else online?

How to move only some items from iPhone to new iPhone 6 plus?

I just bought an iPhone 6 plus today and I currently have the 5s. IIm not switching phones until after the new year (cause of work, travel, etc). Plus, I have a lot of content on this phone that I don't want to transfer over to the new one (usually I let whoever working at verizon move everything over - contacts, pictures, etc etc). A lot of the stuff on this phone is not current and unneeded, therefore I only want certain stuff moved over. Can I transfer all of my pictures onto my computer on iPhotos? Or maybe into the cloud? And only transfer some back onto my new phone? I've never used my iCloud so IIm not entirely sure how to use it. Also, I was just going to write down the contacts I need and apps ( a lot of my contacts are old). The only thing IIm worried about is pictures.

How to transfer quicktime movie videos to my iphone?

Alright so I have a Toshiba and occasionally I take videos for Instagram. The problem my usual way of doing in, which is this app called "vlc" is giving me tough time and I'm getting kind of sick of it. So does any one else know an easy way to transfer them from "Quick time movie" to my iPhone?