IPhone 6 or 6 plus for 5'5 female 17 years old?

I'm not on a budget I have enough to buy the iPhone 6 plus 128 go off contract and I'm not bragging
I use my phone mainly for pics and videos like a lot and play some games I usually play games on pc not phones and I go out with friends a lot
Suggest a suitable color as well please
Also I have average size hands

Buy the iPhone 6 or wait for the iPhone 6s?

Buy the iPhone 6 or wait for the iPhone 6s? - 1

Added (1). I currently don't have a phone I just have an iPad
And also by 6s I mean the next iPhone which may be named the iPhone 7 i don't know

How to use Airdrop on iPhone?

I saw something recently about how one of the recent updates for the iPhone included something about airdrop. I've got an iPhone 5 with the latest software - is there a way to use airdrop on my phone?

How to get music from Mac to iPhone over icloud?

I have quite a few songs on my iTunes on my MacBook Pro (I've checked and all programs are up to date) but is there any way I can transfer some of those songs to my iPhone 5 using iCloud or even AirDrop or something?

Best apple tablet device to get for my girlfriend?

So I'm a tech guy but I'm not too familiar with specs and pricing for iPads including the mini series and air series. I guess what's probably the best bang for my buck. She wants a bigger screen and I was thinking maybe mini would be okay but I want it to be 1080p but I'm not sure if the mini goes that much. I don't think I can spend over $500 and close to $300 I guess is what my limit is. I'm a college student I'm not trying to cheap out cause I know how tech works and I know apple ain't cheap. Anyways I was think iPad air 1 or maybe mini 2 or 3 but I don't know how much the mini 3 costs. It's for her birthday which is in a month but hopefully I can get her something she likes. I guess 64 gb out 32gb if there are 32s, is what I'm going for. 16 would probably work but I just wanted to get her a lot of space just in case but i don't know if she'll use it. She wouldn't use it to take pictures… Hopefully. She has a Mac air, iPhone 5s that's why I'm getting her the iPad. She wants a bigger and better resolution screen basically that's more portable.

Ios 8.3 caller screen keeps changing?

Hey so i have the iphone 6 and when someone calls the screen sometimes has two buttons (accept and ignore) and sometimes there's a slide to unlock. Why does the screen keep changing and how can i stop it from changing?

Can't play music on car speaker by bluetooth?

I have Kenwood DDX7035BT, when i turn on the music from my iphone, it still using the phone speaker, even i already connected by the navigation system via bluetooth. However, the speaker only working when i call someone.