How much does a used unlocked iPhone 5s go for?

How much does a used unlocked iPhone 5s go for?

Added (1). I have a T-Mobile GSM iPhone 5s that's unlocked and I'm thinking about putting it up on eBay. What's the average price for them? And what should I start the bid at?

Is it safe to jailbreak my iPhone 6?

I jailbroke my iPhone 5 and it was awesome. I want to do it to my 6 but I'm scared. I've had it for 3 months and if something happens I'm screwed. I don't plan on getting a crap ton of dangerous apps, just a select few. Thoughts?

Why does my iPhone 5s have multiple vertical lines running across it?

The lines have appeared a couple weeks ago and I thought nothing of it. The lines are enabling me from being able to tap certain places on the screen. Also, the phone occasionally spazzes out and presses random places on the screen… More and more lines are appearing daily… Please help!

Camera on my iphone won't work?

All of a sudden I went to take a picture with the camera and it turned all blurry & started making a buzzing noise, but the noise stopped once I exit the camera. It's only the camera on the back of my phone that I would use to take pictures far away.