Is it normal for all photos to sync to Mac, even deleted ones?

When I sync my iphone to my Mac, all the photos sync, even the ones i deleted on my phone. These deleted photos are supposed to be gone permanently, they aren't even in recently deleted, I always keep my recently deleted photo album empty. Yet, these deleted photos show up on my Mac. Is this normal?

How to stop voice recording on messages iphone?

I'm not talking about the talk and it will write the text out - i'm talking the bit where it records what your saying and will send as a message. Please does anyone know how to turn this off or get rid?

Erase all data on broken iphone 5c?

I have an iphone 5c that I dropped. After the drop, the screen wasn't shattered or anything, but the phone has a black screen and the touch screen wasn't working.

I want to just erase all my data on this phone and sell it for parts on ebay, but whenever I click restore iphone on itunes, it says that I need to disable find my iphone, and I can't do this because I can't even unlock my phone.

I've tried itools in an effort to mirror the screen on to my computer, but it doesn't seem to work. I wanted to try reflector 2 since my phone is jailbroken, but in order for it to work I would need to turn on the Wi-Fi on my phone and I can't do that because my screen is unresponsive as I said before.
Can anyone help disable find my iphone without using the phone, or let me know how to erase all my information on my phone?

p.s. My phone is jailbroken on ios 8.1.2

Wallpaper for an iPhone with a moving fish background?

So I thought it would be cool to have a background that was of fish moving around. It looks like a live fish tank. I've seen it before on computers, but had trouble finding any on the Internet for my iPhone 6. Can anyone tip me somewhere where I can download one?

Why won't my iPhone 4s signal work?

I can use web with 3G working fine yet I can't receive or make outgoing calls or texts as signal is showing no bars but 02 logo is there please help

Why won't my IPhone take video?

I've just bought a used IPhone 4 and it will not take videos… The photo tab works fine and saves pics ok but it will not switch over to "Video", when I press it… Does anyone have any suggestions?