How to fix my Wi-Fi? My Wi-Fi randomly stops working on my iphone despite showing that it's connected?

I'm connected to my Wi-Fi on my laptop and it works just fine. On my iphone 5s it says that I'm connected to the Wi-Fi and that I have a good signal, however I can't use the internet, send imessages, or stream netflix without turning my data on. When I connect to Wi-Fi elsewhere it works on my phone, and my Wi-Fi sometimes works on my phone, but then stops suddenly and doesn't work for weeks until it suddenly works again for a while. What's wrong and how do I fix it?

My iPhone won't play any music?

My 6+ won't play any music and I can't hear people when they call me, but it still rings audibly and the key board still clicks, is there any way to fix it?

IPhone 5S is bent? Can I get a replacement?

My iPhone 5S has started to bend and the screen is popping out of its casing. I believe this is an issue with the battery swelling. I have kept my phone in mint condition since day one, which was a year and a half ago. Is there any way I can get a replacement without having to pay an exorbitant amount of money?

Will someone be able to find me?

So if I went on vacation to another state and let's say some psycho kidnaps me. I have an iPhone 5s. Can someone like my mother or a close friend find me?
With my location services on? Or the police?
Every time I'm on a road trip or even in my city hanging out with friends. You never know what can happen with all these crazy ppl out there. Especially at night. I'm not saying I'm in trouble right now or anything. I'm safe. It's just I'm cautious. Every time I know I'm gonna be out late or if I feel weird (like a gut feeling) I text someone my recent location.
Just wanted to know. Thank you for taking time to read this. God bless.

What color iphone 6 should I get? - 2

I'm getting a new iphone 6 for my birthday and i need help deciding which color i want to get. At fist I was set on gold, but now i'm not so sure. The colors they come in are space grey, gold, and silver. Which color do you think would be best?

Will Apple replace or repair my iPhone 5?

Alright, here's the story.
I purchased a black iPhone 5 off of amazon about a year ago July. Upon receiving the phone I connected it to iTunes and a picture of a white iPhone appeared by the details of the phone. I was sort of confused, so i did a little researching and discovered that the phone I had purchased was originally a white iPhone 5. Meaning that it now was built of third party parts. I was a little upset and wanted my money back to get an authentic iPhone, but big surprise, the seller of the phone never answered my emails. But now on the the actual question. I recently cracked the screen of the phone, and I was wondering if apple would repair it, considering it is made out of third party parts. I'm not expecting them to do it for free, just need to know if they will do anything.
Thanks for reading, hopefully you can help me out with my question.

How to get music on my iPhone?

I got an iPhone 5s recently and I really don't want to have to pay to download my favourite songs.
How can I get free music, preferably without using a music app? Do I need iTunes?